Well hellow dear lovers.
I´ve been on Corsica the past 3 weeks. was lovely. just lovely
Although now I´m heartbroken. A boy broke my heart.
Just a boy. Just a boy.
It´s a sad world.
I wish I ws in Calvi still.
It´s really beautiful over there, and so hot. Hot hot hot, and the ocean was so blue and my hair was nice and wavy and the sun made me feel all tingly inside and some boy broke my heart.
I remember having one sip of this disgusting wine and i couldn´t stop laughing all night.
I went caviar and cracker shopping, threw ugly gummi dinos in trash cans, had awkward dancing moments in the disco tent, waited too long for something happen, instead of putting matters in my own hands, asked the sandwich hunk to meet up with my friend. I discovered new words, made myself feel more comfortable in my mother tongue. I met a dutch surfer dude , whose name I still can´t pronounce, hiked up a big mountain , had a sex on the beach in a chic bar. Hiding behind an old van and listening to Helmuts brabble gave us the loudest laugh of them all. Julia and me buying a coconut which we later had to hide in our trunks because the fridge was too full.. :D
Jens and I made plans to conquer a Yacht nearby and cruise the world. We never did manage to do that though. A little girl at this ranch gave me the nicest inspiration. She wore faded mint green high top converse and had these little rouche socks tucked into them and rode a dotted horse. Memories.
Calvi has the nicest little shops. The town itself is puny though.
The port is full of yachts, some jet-black, some snow-white. I found some really nice dresses but unfortunately they were all over 100 euros... Damn it. I did get a nice little tank for 12 euros though :D!!
I got lots of nice jewelry . I found the most beautiful rings, but again they were all too overpriced , all starting at 40 or so. And i had only brought 200 for the whole vacation. So it was a no go. Sadly.
I´ll post more pictures another time , my cousin still has to send me so many pics!!
Is this summer?
I miss it.
I miss him