It´s 4.50 AM.
I´m watching Factory Girl. I can´t really seem to move , it´s too bloody brilliant ; if I do fall asleep, it´ll be no problem whatsoever as I´m neatly tucked in my bed sheets.
I liike ze moving/blurry effect
What does the tower of london have to do with this?
I honestly have no clue, but it looks niice.
I´m off to sleepland now. Toodles
28 Kommentare:
Just like a strange Ghost in the limbs of the twilight !!!
ps: I really like the contrast between your mischievous gracefulness and your "grungeo-destroy" style, such an electrifying cocktail (especially with such a sense of "barefoot elegance") !!!
A Bientôt, Antoine
yes it's of montreal! the song is beware our nubile miscreants on skeletal lamping!
also i love your shorts and tights! very cute!
kuhles outfit :)
ultimately life-affirming
haha their boys, their girls, both are beautiful and gorgeaous, which makes it more unfair because they'll just go for eachother and leave the rest of the world with nothing! hahaha xx
those are some hot pictures darling.
and i haven't even seen factory girl yet, i am pathetic.
bist verlinkt.
I love the rips in your tight and their textural effect in your outfit.
Your blog is lovely, would you like to exchange links? :)
These are cool photos. Ah I haven't seen factory girl, it was on tv the other night but I forgot!
Love the outfit, and yes groupies still exsist, it is a state of mind...
i love your photographs they are rather wonderfull
bicycle pirate
cute outfit!
your photos are always amazingg
and the tower of london is pretty amazing too :)
just lovely.
sniff, sniff.
that is all i shalt say.
oh my goodness i love hose images. so gorgeous.
factory girl is an amazing film. sienna miller in it is amazing.
ofcourse i'd love to trade links.
i adoreeee these photos :)
I loooovvvveee the music on ur blog. Thanks! I'm gonna add em to the collection.
love those photos, they're super cool.
& i loove factory girl ♥
it's mainly due to my obsession with edie sedgwick.
fuck she's a killer.
Lol yes! The Female Action Star is I... I did write that poem I'm happy that u digg it!! Don't be a stranger! Thanks alot for the comment.
I love blurry photos too!
your outfit is cool : )
i gave you the kreativ blogger award.
because i heart your blog
yay for bit of blur in photos.
and the oxford comma song!
i like your blog.
So spooky and ethereal!
toller blog! ich mag.
happy halloween!! i made you a gift:
Love the shorts1
I love blurry pictures. Would you like to trade links?
lov the blury effect on your pics...hauntingly beautiful!
Agreed, I put you in link and I love photograph your also
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