It´s been a while my precious tea bags.
What I´ve been doing. Ahh yes a lot and nothing.
Pariiiiiiiis was lovely, I´ll post pictures another time.
Halloween was ehm let´s call it relaxing.
Non let us be brutal. It was a complete bore.
The only fun part was shopping for the party , that´s why I am trapped in a grocery chariot in case you were wondering.
Dear Veronica has not not sent me the Halloween pictures
so I´ve got none to spare. Brillianto Musso.
But here´s what I wore
- craiiizy leopard leggings
- my pointy sex shoes
- a BIIGG BUSHY moustache
- looong fake lashes
- et my aa leotard&skirt
Voila. Nothing tooo fancy pants, but I like it. Below you see them leggings and shoes.
I adore <3
I´ve got 2 new obsessions, non 3.
ahhh zut make it 4.
ahh ouiii I received kreativ blogger award from the lovely
thankk uuuu :)!!!