
All the girls go úhúhúhú

     oxford, brooks brothers.skinnies,urban outfitters
Not zat much to say, except for me falling in love with some stranger I saw in Parc des Bastions. 
   I know.. I know...
I´ve been tagged by the lovely Anna Shapiro :)

    Alors 6 quirks

1. I´m half german, half morrocan, though NY is what I like to call home-
2. I´ve lived in way too many places. It´s not gut. I don´t really know where I´m from.
3. Logic is not my friend, nor is reality ; as a matter of fact ,
I don´t have any friends... Ok maybe 2/ish?! nahh
4. I hate science with all my foolish heart
( I suck. No suck is being nice, I´m HORRIBLE)
5. I spend all my money on fake moustaches, pastries,expensive foreign magazines, clothes I end up never wearing and red bull.
6. Words , boys and pictures make me cry.


13 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

ohhh. vielen dank fürs taggen. übrigens dein look ist toll. die skinny und das hemd(?)
und deine haare, ich liebe sie. haha.
ahh, ich habe noch eine frage: wieviele sprache sprichst du eigentlich?


jip hat gesagt…

Your outfit looks great, it's simple but you really pull it off!
And yay for the song (songs maybe?) on your blog; vampire weekend ;D

Female Action Star hat gesagt…

Awww thank you so much... I am very honered I love ur blog as well!! The photos and the wordplay are amazing... ur the first person to ever tag me so ur definitely the bomb... and hey! guess what I like fell in love wit this amazing guy on the train as well but he's gone!! I shouldve spoke but hey... lol thanks again don't be a stranger.


Anna Shapiro hat gesagt…


i'm half german too!

ETL hat gesagt…

Love the new photos =]

Anonym hat gesagt…

du wurdest ge-green-tag-g-ed.
nähere informationen ohne seltsam abgehackten worten auf meinem blog.


fashionslacker hat gesagt…

why don't you have any friends? i'd totally be your friend, love your blog btw ;)

luyi hat gesagt…

cool photographs!!!

SICK. hat gesagt…

thanks for the tag lovie !!
have a great thursday .

Hippie, hippie - milkshake hat gesagt…

thanks.. don`t know much about that tag thing, but gonna be creative later on...

j. hat gesagt…

1st photo outfit = uhmazing!

HOLLY ASTERA hat gesagt…

I've linked you now :)

A. hat gesagt…

Your hair is quite the gorgeous mess :)