


Predominant feeling for 2009? Madness, though I can feel some melancholy coming on First Time 2008? Realizing certain things 2008 didn't do? No real love(r) in sight City of the Year? London, Paris Alcohol excesses? Nahh Hair longer or shorter? Longg Short-sighted or far-sighted? Short Hospital visits? Nah.Only for Lisa Love? Maybe .damnboy Drink of the year? red bull/sex on the beach/ champagne Food of the year?Creamy Lindt chocolate with filling/ Tomato sauce Most called person?Lisa The best time spent with you? Lisa&Julia Movie of the Year? I´m not there (07) Song of the Year? fight the start-the kilians/indie rokkers-MGM /wonderwall-cat power Album of the year?Only by the Night-Kings of Leon:so many though Book of the Year? perks of being wallflower/slam Concert of the year 2009? I gotta say, this tiny concert back in march TV Series of the year? Gossip Girl/Skins Recognizing this year? We have forever, but you know that's not so much time; don't look back;I must learn to love the fool in me Things which I would have to renounce? damn shyness; believing your lies,your letdown Loveliest event? Smoking on Lisas roof with full moon eyeing us,not sleeping whole night,
skipping school 2008 in words?Lovely; Heartbreaker; biggest letdown at the far end

15 Kommentare:

Eira hat gesagt…

seems like a wonderful/horrible year. rollercoaster!

Anonym hat gesagt…

i love the first picture

Severn hat gesagt…

have a great 2009. great blog!

Anouk hat gesagt…

woooher hast du diesen tollen pelz, der ist doch fake oder?
toll, toll, toll.

Nico. hat gesagt…

Great pictures. And Kings of Leons album is amazing.

Matt Rowley hat gesagt…

sharloo! I didn't read this https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=523875722033432804&postID=3402006549862020517
You tagged me!! Thank you very much!!
And your coat is awesome ;D

Anonym hat gesagt…

i love all the questions and your answers your a lovely girl you!
i adore that jacket in this post,<3

June hat gesagt…

wooow, i love the qustions.. ;).=)
and the fur jacket, looks great. kiss.

June hat gesagt…

aah, hier kann ich ja auch auf deutsch schreiben. =)
nochmal; tollller pelzmantel..=)
u toller blog natürlich auch; du bist auf meiner linklist, hab gesehn das du mich auch verlinkt hast. danke dafür.
alles liebe

virag hat gesagt…


Severn hat gesagt…

this is a great questionnaire!

haylin hat gesagt…

oh, you often looks like cory.
you are cory's sister, right?
ha ha, just kidding.

Elisa Kwon hat gesagt…

what's life with a little drama?

I love the tights/sneakers combo. :)

Hazel hat gesagt…

god, nice coat!

Anonym hat gesagt…

i love this
not neccessarily the badd things that you didnt like BUT the concept>very original questions
i will use sometime
to answer on my own