
komm reg dich auf, reg dich auf und komm zu ruh'

body,aa.shorts,vintage.flannel,beyond retro

my life right now, consists of smoking, drinking coffee, laughing, crying, listening to sad + happy songs, going to mcdonalds, eating warm apple pies and thinking of you. & it's september already. I don't know how fucking nine months have already passed?!

7 Kommentare:

jip hat gesagt…

your outfits are so lovely nonchalant. Love the plaid!

jip hat gesagt…

about the video: It's from flickr.. artist's name is underneath it.. It a project I believe

Anonym hat gesagt…

I love short shorts with a long flannel shirt. Smoking and mcdonald apple pies and clearly the way to a perfect day. x

Anouk hat gesagt…

how do i do what? meinst du ein gif?
übrigens grrrreat outfit. aber wieso hast du das bild in die breite gezogen? ich meine du bist ja viiel schmaler...

Flora hat gesagt…

and how months just pass and pass and pass...i know the feelig.
lovely outfit, as always.

Unknown hat gesagt…

fannels tartan color is pure love!

Meredith hat gesagt…

I love that quote haha its so true!