
bang, black and white, with a lover who's with cigarettes, smoke my heart with tears, distance makes me cry. walk alone, walk home.

 some things clous got me. one of my favorites though was the books of albion. loverdover dooooo. You really gotta heart that boy.you really really do. my holga didn´t arrive yet. BADBADBAD SANTA.
sophies not happy. ohvell
Happppppyyy new year, eh?I´m not a big fan of it to be honest.I stay up late anyway, I don´t need new years for that;& there´s no party.
I´m depressed. I´ll just sip champagne with the old folks. Great       

"....Pour m´éviter quelques remords
Je t´aimerai plus fort
Oh ouiiii plus fort
Oh ouiii ouii ouii, plus fort
Oh la la ..." haha zis makes me so giddy

13 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

lovely title. is it your own words?

June hat gesagt…

oh yes...the title is great!! and the first pic..wow.!! =)

Rand hat gesagt…

lovely title!!!
and thnx 4 comment
oh yh i 4got to tell ya,all i did was stand on some london bridge with old folks while the fireworks wre on the ozer side ;s
oh an the only fun we had was screamin happy new year to everone on the streets from the car.kinda fun
some drunken guy was showin his butt :P

Eira hat gesagt…

happy new years!
I love the title, and the stripy socks (or stockings?) and yes, you gotta love pete! :D

Anouk hat gesagt…

i wish you a happy new year cutie. i hope it will be bloody brillant for you.

Molly hat gesagt…

oh i hope your new years went well!
i usually spend mine with my parents.. and i know how dull(?) it can be!
thankyou for the comment
molly x

Ylva Vader hat gesagt…

oh, thanks. I'll check it out :)

happy new year to you too

FINNIGAN hat gesagt…

i have these socks too, love em +++ the blog!

lisa @ luxe hat gesagt…

kisses from las vegas

Severn hat gesagt…

take TONS of photos with the holga! please!

rosa rouge hat gesagt…

the books of albion are great

Kim hat gesagt…

Beautiful song!

Anonym hat gesagt…

i wish my mother let me sip some champagne with her,i had an depressing new years too!

happy new years anyway,and your the first person ive ever seen with the prada PHONE,
santa is being a bad boy,he better hurry